Hello! It seems like it's been a long time since I've written in a blog. And to be honest, it has been over a year.
Well, welcome to my newest blog and I'm sorry that this first post is so awkward. I wanted to give a little bit of an introduction to everything before I just sort of jumped in and began doing what I intend to do with this blog.
For those who don't know me, first "yay!", I'm glad that you've found your way to reading my blog and I hope you'll stick around for the future posts. Second, allow me to introduce myself briefly. My name is Becky and I'm a recent graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies and a Bachelor of Arts in Film and Media Arts. What does this mean for the future? I have no idea, but I've decided to go to grad school in hopes of one day figuring out exactly what I want to do...at the moment this involves working for the BBC. (I think that sounds like a reasonable plan on my part). In the meantime, however, I will continue to do what I do best. Make films, do photo shoots, reenact the Civil War, fight for women's rights and continue to "inflict my opinions on the world" about things such as books, films, and television shows (which I'm sure you figured out is the purpose of this blog as indicated by its title). If you would like to know more about me and what I call a semi-interesting life (others tend of disagree with me on how boring I think I am), please feel free to ask.
Now that you sort of know who I am, allow me to explain what I plan to do with this blog. This blog is going to be the place where I "inflict my opinions" on the world about the things that I'm currently involving myself in. This means that if I see a new movie, finish a new book, watch a new TV series, etc., I'm going to write a review about it here. Why am I doing this you ask? Well, for a number of reasons. One is so that people who find my blog can use the reviews as way to make judgements for themselves. And two is because I miss writing in a blog. When I lived abroad, I wrote quite frequently for almost a year and well, honestly I miss having something exciting in my life to write about. And I'm kind of hoping that by writing in a new blog I'll force myself to do some exciting things again.
So, there you have it! The reasons behind my latest and greatest (maybe not greatest) endeavor in the blogging world. I hope that you'll come back to read some reviews of mine soon. In the meantime, please return to your usually scheduled life.